Katie's Garden
off May 25-30 - Planting Garden
Garden Results
Total Garden Production (lbs): _28_____
Result - MP - Met Plan Projection, OK - Grew OK, B - Grew Badly, N-No Germination
I planted tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, herbs, zucchini, lettuce and cauliflower.
June 1 - June 5 - Now that all of the plants are in the ground I am watering daily or every other day. I'm looking forward to setting up the new drip systems.
June 6 - June 11 - Watered daily because of the warm weather, I've started to notice broccoli coming up and green tomatoes on my large tomato plants.
June 12 - 17 - I replaced 1 tomato plant that wasn't doing well, put cages around my tomato plants and weeded my garden. Because of the cooler weather i've been watering every other day.I also noticed crook neck squash coming up!!l.
June 18 - 25 It has been raining so i've been watering when it is needed. all my plants are doing well.
June 26-1 we got straw for our gardens i started laying mine down we also put fish meal on our plants. its been warm this week so i've been watering every other day. my plants are loving the hot weather
June 2nd - 8 - I put fertilizing tea on my garden i'm hoping it will help my plants to grow I've been watering almost everyday because of the weather.
July 9-15 - This week I have watered my garden three times, I have been looking at my automatic watering kit hoping I can get it set up and working by this week. My plants are greening up after we put on the horse tea fertilizer, one of my tomatoes plants has a tomato on it that is turning red!
July 15 - 23 - This week I put in the drip system on most of the rows of plants in my garden. I am planning on picking my tomatoes today 7/23 they have been red for about a week but the are finally ready for picking.
July 24 - 30 - This week we signed up for our projects at fair
and watered our gardens. On Saturday I Worked on weeding some of my garden and laying a little more straw down.
July 31 - 13 This past week I have been watering and picking produce. Tuesday 8/6 I picked two tomatoes and two peppers. We are in the process of getting our drip system working still. Andrew and I are presented our project Saturday at The Polk County Fair, it went well. We got the champion award and had the choice of going to State Fair.
August 14 - 20 This past week ive been watering and picking produce. I really need to weed my garden this week last Tuesday I picked 4 tomatoes and 4 green peppers.
August 21 - 27 On Tuesday I picked 6 peppers out of my garden and also 3 tomatoes. The weeds are taking over my garden so I weeded the first third of it on Saturday which took about an hour.
August 28 - Sept 4 On tuesday I worked on weeding my garden again. We also went over schedules and picked produce I have 5 pounds of produce.
Sept 5- 15 We started school again so we changed schedule's to sunday for picking and wednesday for watering. This week I had 10 pounds of produce mostly tomatoes and peppers. On wednesday we weeded our gardens for an hour.