Cloe's Garden
Intern Profile
I want to work at the garden because: I enjoy working with others, and I like to stay engaged in activities that will help benefit me, and others around me.
Two of my personal goals for working at the Dallas Youth Garden this summer are: To learn more teamwork skills, and to do experiments to see how certain plants react to being around each other.
Two things I hope to learn for working at the Dallas Youth Garden are: To get a better understanding of how to take care of plants in general, and to be able to understand how to plant them, and how certain aspects affect them directly.
I think my biggest challenge will be: Most likely weeding, I feel as though I may accidently pull out my plants.
My favorite vegetable or fruit is:
Watermelon is my favorited fruit.
I think a leader is: A person who is responsible, reliable, trustworthy, and will be willing to take initiative.
I hope to contribute this leadership skill to the garden this season: By trying new experiments in the garden, and helping out as often as possible.
Garden Plan:
Rows of vegetables planted: Marigolds, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, radish, cucumber, sunflower, zucchini, basil, squash, zinnia, tomato, pepper, cabbage, chard swiss, kale, and sunflowers with marigolds.
Number of different kinds of vegetables planted: 16
Planned Garden Yield:
My garden did or did/not match my plan and why: Part of it didn't, because half way through I wanted to change my experiment plant from a vegetable to a flower.
Garden Log:
May 4: Started work and removed tarps
May 7-11: We talked about our garden plans, and we made out garden plans. We also helped clean up the chairs at the garden sale on Saturday.
May 14-18: We started planting our gardens, going according to the garden plans.
May 21-25: We continued to plant our gardens, we watered them, and even started to weed them.
May 28-June 1: We are wrapping up our gardens, and starting to do the walkways with bark chips.
June 3-8: We have finished our gardens completely, and are watering them, and weeding them.
June 10-15: Continue to weed, water, and pick off flowers from the tomatoes and squash.
June 17-22: Still continuing to weed and water, we also put a mixture of water and fish fertilizer on our cucumbers, and squash.
June 24-29: We are rapping up our leadership projects, and we continue to water as usual, but a few times we have done group weeding.
July 2-6: We continued to weed and water, but started picking plants such as cabbage, and radish.
July 8-13: We continued to weed and water, but also started picking plants like chard swiss, kale, squash, and continued on cabbage.
July 15-20: Still weeding and watering, my tomatoes started growing, and we continued to pick the plants we picked last week.
July 22-27: I completely weeded out as much as I could for open house, and we watering, then open house.
July 30- August 3: We weeded and watered, and did some picking. We also chose the plants we were going to show off at the contest.
August 6-10: We picked regularly and also picked things for fair, watered, and we weeded the best we could with the given amount of time.
August 13-17: Just regular watering and weeding, and we continue to pick our regular plants, some people are even picking peppers and cucumbers.
August 19-24: Still picking and watering regularly, we have done some minions, and some people are picking their tomatoes now.
Leadership Project:
Problem: Which one is better, growing plants in a garden or in some place like a windowsill?
Solution: Research, and use my own experience to find out.
Test/Activity: Slide show
Results: Depending on what lifestyle you lead, and what the wanted results are.
Communication: I had to ask, watch videos, read articles, and examine my garden, and my windowsill garden.
Leadership Skills: I had to ask whether I could do this particular project, since it was not listed, and I had to take initiative and do my fair share of research.
Leadership Project 2:
Problem: We learned about how Sunflowers help reduce pests such as bugs, and I wanted to put that to the test.
Solution: Look at the leafs of both my squash plants, and also document how much many bugs there are on them
Test/Activity: Google Doc
Results: It seems that in fact the squash closer to the sunflowers has less bugs.
Communication: I had to ask about the project and take pictures and videos.
Leadership Skills: I chose a project that I didn't hear anyone talk about, or do. Therefore, I had to ask permission, and take initiative.
Leadership Project 3:
Problem: Tomato rot.
Solution: Continue to watch results, and maybe water less, and possibly add calcium after watching the results.
Test/Activity: Google Doc
Results: No big change in tomato rot.
Communication: I had to ask what I was doing wrong, put that into consideration and change my mistake.
Leadership Skills: I had to figure this out from my own experience, and put the initiative in to continue researching it.