2016 Activities
March - Minor Tree Pruning
March - Tool donation from Master Gardeners. Thanks!
April 12th Job Applications Due
April 21, 22, 23 Job Interviews
April 25-26 Job Offers
April 29th - Removed tarps off of garden - Kept the grass down! This will save us about 2-3 days of tractor work! Thanks to the great
donation of tarps from Agricplas. (www.agriplasinc.com)
May 3 - Interns on first day of work.
May 7 - Helped with Master Gardeners Plant Sale
May 12-May 31 - Planting
May - GREAT donations of starts this year - Thanks to Master Gardeners, Teal Creek Farms, Dallas High School, and Linda Fox
May 21 - Trying out Bees this year - Thanks George
May 23- Got the WILCO sign up. Thanks again for the donation Wilco!
May 31 - Got chips down on paths - Thanks Gary for Hauling and Polk Co. for the Donation
June 6th - Interns did a lot of mulching! Thanks Old Mill Feed Store and Teal Creek Farms
June 21 - First Harvest - 15LBs - Zuchinni, Summer Squash, Broccoli and Radishes!
Jun 28 - Second Harvest - Zuchinni, Summer Squash, Broccoli and Radishes, Chard
July 1 - Intern gardens are planted and mulched!
July 5 - First Harvest over 50 pounds!
July 9 - Minions - group garden work
July 12 - Great harvest 144 Pounds
July 19 - Great harvest with lot of greens.
July 26 - Zucchini, Broccoli, Summer Squash, Chard, Lettuce, Basil, Cabbage - 360 Pounds
July 26 - Open House - Met many supporters of the Garden and interns gave great garden tours.
August 2 - Zucchini, Broccoli, Summer Squash, Chard, Lettuce, Basil, Cabbage, Beans, Tomatoes, Dill - 518 Pounds
August 9th - A cooler week so less harvest -375 pounds
August 12 - Thanks for stopping by our booth at the Polk County Fair and for the great donation of peaches from Perryhill Farm
August 14 - Interns Polk County Fair exhibits - 18 Blue Ribbons - 7 Red Ribbons - 2 White Ribbons. GREAT JOB INTERNS!
August 16th Harvest - 827 Pounds of Food!
August 23: Over 700 pounds of produce!
August 30: Over 400 pounds of produce - Brought food to the food bank as the food assistance program was closed.
September 3: Drain tile project got done! Thanks do the Dallas Community Foundation for donations to support this project!
State Fair - Great Results - 2 Champions / 1 Reserve Champion / Many Blue Ribbons / Many Red Ribbons
September 6th - Over 550 pounds produce delivered! OVER TWO TONS THIS SEASON!!
September 13th - Good Harvest day over 400 pounds
September 20th - We have now delivered 5000 pounds of produce!
September 24th - Cleaning up
September 27 - 330 more pounds. One more week to go!
October 4th - Last Harvest 370 Pounds! Over 5600 for the season.
November 5th - Garden gets tilled and tarped. Ready for winter!