John's Garden
My char being harvested! I have finished my bat house leadership project!!
Intern Profile
I want to work at the garden because: I want to try new experiences
Two of my personal goals for working at the Dallas Youth Garden this summer are: to learn how to sustain a garden and teamwork skills
Two things I hope to learn for working at the Dallas Youth Garden are: teamwork and how to act at a job
I think my biggest challenge will be: weeding
My favorite vegetable or fruit is: watermelon
I think a leader is: someone who takes charge and does the right thing even when no one is looking
I hope to contribute this leadership skill to the garden this season: teamwork
Garden Plan:
Rows of vegetables planted: 15
Number of different kinds of vegetables planted: 7
Optimal Garden Yield: 308 lpb
My garden did or did/not match my plan and why: my garden matched my plan because I stuck by it
Garden Log:
May 3-5: Started work and removed tarps
May 8-12: Worked on plans helped at master gardeners plan sale
May 15-19: planted garden.m
May 22-26: missed day got tooth pulled. planted garden
May 29-June 2: helped mulch
June 5-June 9: helped mulch
June12-june16 helped people mulch their gardens
June19-June 23: Helped people mulch their gardens
june 26-30: I weeded my cabbage and kale this week
july 2-7: I weeded my carrots and mulched parts of my garden
july 10-14helped mulch erics and kaitlans garden
july 17-21 helped mulch part of brandons garden
july 23-28 watered my garden helped faith pick char and basil
july 31-4 water my garden picked out vegs and flower for the fair
August 7-11 went to county fair worked in booth and weeded eric carrots
August 14-18 picked Vegs for state fair water my garden
August 21-25 picked monster vegetables from my garden and watered
August 21-26: weeded, watered, and harvested.
August 28- September 2: Weeded, watered, and harvested all the dill and onions.
Leadership Project:
Problem: Zucchini bugs and other parasite bugs
Solution: build a bat box to attract bats that will eat these bugs that keep eating my crops
Test/Activity: I will make a bat house and see if the number of holes in my plants go down
Results: TBD
Communication: research bats and what they can do for our garden
Leadership Skills: I learned about self direction, planning, and effective communication.
problem: carrots aren't growing well
Solution: put bloodmeal and bonemeal on it
Test/Activity: I will put bloodmeal and bonemeal on my carrots once a week
Results: TBD
Communication: research how it can help your crops
Leadership Skills: I learned about self direction, and effective communication.
problem: people dont know enough about us
Solution: make a video and share it
Test/Activity: make a video of me aksing people questions
Results: TBD
Communication: have people learn about us
Leadership Skills: I learned about self direction, and effective communication.
Problem: people don't know how to make kale chips
Solution: put the recipe on the website
Test/Activity: put the recipe on the website
Results: TBD
Communication: look up a recipe
Leadership Skills: I learned about self direction, and effective communication.
1-2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoons sea salt
Grill until ready