Leadership Notes
The term "Leadership" is an overused term that sometimes seems to mean almost anything. The following are some notes and ideas that may help us think about leadership. The information is taken from existing web sites who are sited at the end of each description:
The Characteristics of a Good Leader
What makes a good leader?
Self-Awareness. You know your strengths and your weaknesses. . You know your capabilities and your limitations, which allows you to push yourself to your maximum potential.
Trust: You have integrity and people trust you.
Vision. You’re working towards a goal that’s greater than yourself. Leaders see a problem that needs to be fixed or a goal that needs to be achieved.
Planning : The ability to plan or organize tasks to meet the goal or vision.
Effective communication: You have the ability to communicate in writing or by speaking to communicate your goals or vision and plans for achieving them to others.
Self Direction: You know how to get things done, how to organize tasks and how to avoid procrastination. Leaders take the steps to get the job done to meet the vision and work until goals are met.
Ability to work within a group. Leaders don’t lead by telling people what they have to do. Instead, leaders motivate people to want to help them as they take steps to complete the plans to meet the vision or goals. They have a social awareness of how a group can positively work together.
The above information is summarized from ideas and concepts taken from the following web sites.
http://www.siyli.org/what-is-leadership-what-makes-good-leader/ - Enlightened Leadership World Wide - 2014
http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/leadership.html - Business Direction - 2014
http://management.about.com/od/leadership/a/whatisaleader.htm - About.com - 2014