Myranda's Garden
Myranda Planting Watering
Intern Profile
Two of my personal goals for working at the Dallas Youth Garden this summer are:
1.) Make new friends
2.) Grow good food.
Two things I hope to learn for working at the Dallas Youth Garden are:
1.) How to better care for the plants
I think my biggest challenge will be:
keeping the plants alive.
My favorite vegetable is:
My least favorite garden task is: Weeding
My most favorite garden task is: Watering
I think a leader is:
Someone who works with people and helps keep everyone together.
My worst leadership skill or trait is: Staying on task with everyone.
My best leadership skill or trait is: Keeping everyone together
Garden Plan:
Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers Planted (in order)
1. Tomatoes
2. Broccoli
3. Basil/Marigold
4. Zucchini
5. Radish/Marigold
6. Cucumber
7. Cabbage
8. Carrot
9. Lettuce
10. Lettuce
11. Onion
12. Patty Pan Squash
13. Dill
14.Summer Squash
15. Oregano
16. Hot/Sweet Peppers
17. Tomatoes
18. Cabbage
19. Sunflowers
My favorite plant to plant was: Tomatoes
My lease favorite plan to plant was: Patty Pan Squash
I think my plan worked because: I kept most of the plants with their companion plants.
Garden Log:
May 16 - Started Planted
May 23 - Continued Planting
May 30- Finished planting. Started the newspaper and hay.
June 6- Continuing newspaper and hay. Tomatoes now have cages.
June 13- Still continuing newspaper and hay. Plants are looking good.
June 20- Plants are good. weeds are a pest still. Newspaper and Hay almost done.
June 27- Plants have less bugs. Last row to do of newspaper and hay. Mary-golds planted.
July 4- watered and harvested the radishes and some squash
July 11- fertilized. weeded. harvested more veggies.
July 18- Weeded, helped tie up tomatoes. Weeded more. Harvested squash. Tomatoes are slowly starting to ripen.
July 25- Weeded, got some people to come to the open house, weeded more.
Aug. 1- Watering was done and veggies picked.
Aug. 7- Sold $44 worth of peaches @ fair with Robert. Weeding is still in progress. Veggies are looking good.
Aug. 15- Group weeded in my garden today. Looks much better now. Production is slow again in the squash.
Aug. 22- Picked for state fair,
Aug. 29- okay harvest. Was out due to surgery.
Sept. 5- Started putting together the final leadership project.
Sept. 11- Ended the week pretty well. The squash is starting to settle down with the production.
Leadership Projects:
Problem:We need a way to identify our team when meeting with the public.
Solution: Design, order and manage the purchase of t-shirts for garden interns.
Leadership: Planning, Trust, Effective communication
Food Prep Project
Problem: We need to know and communicate how produce grown in our garden can be prepared.
Solution: Take produce home, find a recipe you like, prepare produce bring it back.
Communication: Write up recipe and tell group about what you made.
Leadership: Self Direction, Planning, Self Awareness
Donations Board
Problem:We need a way to make some money for the garden.
Solution: Design, and put together a donations board that shows what the money will be going towards.
Leadership: Planning, Vision, Self Direction, Self Awareness
Tomato Variety Comparison
Problem: We need to determine which tomato plant will produce best (Brought from home or provided).
Solution: Identify which tomato varieties produce the most.
Test: Plant and mark the test tomatoes. Take pictures once a week to see which does better over the season.
Document: Document the pictures taken.
Communication: Communicate your findings to the group.
Leadership: Vision, Planning, Self- Direction