Lindsey's Garden
Raking before planting Lindsey's garden sign is done Watering peppers
IBlue ribbon sunflower at Fair Weighing cucumber harvest T-shirt leadership project State Fair Results
Intern Profile
I want to be garden intern because....
To expand my gardening skills and to be a leader to others.
One of our primary goals for the garden is to provide fresh produce to the Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program. Two of my personal goals for working at the Dallas Youth Garden this summer are:
Keeping my garden maintained so no food is wasted.
Becoming a leader to other interns.
Two things I hope to learn for working at the Dallas Youth Garden are:
More leadership skills.
To help others with my abilities.
I think my biggest challenge will be:
Planting all the vegetables.
My favorite vegetable is:
My least favorite garden task is: pulling weeds.
My most favorite garden task is: water plants.
I think a leader is:Someone who steps up to guide others in the right direction. Also to be an example for others to follow.
My worst leadership skill or trait is: Speaking up with new ideas or improvements to others ideas.
My best leadership skill or trait is: Listening to what others have to say.
Leadership Projects:
Garden Improvement Project:
Bird House Project
Problem: We need to reduce garden pests
Solution(s): Attract inset eating birds with bird houses
Species Attracted: Swallows and Bluebirds
Bird Diet: Insects
Construction: Request needed materials and construct two birdhouses.
Communication: Communicate your plan for your bird houses to the group.
Leadership: The ability to plan or organize tasks to meet the goal or vision
Education Project:
Hunger Research Project
Problem: We need to know more about hunger in Oregon and how our food production helps.
Solution: Research, collect, and compile information about hunger in Oregon.
Communication: Present information (100 words or so) to place on our web site and present to the group.
Leadership: Ability to work within the community to help
Communication Projects:
Problem:We need a way to identify our team when meeting with the public.
Solution: Design, order and manage the purchase of t-shirts for garden interns.
Leadership: Communication and Ability to follow through with ideas
I first had to come up with a slogan to put on the shirt so i went to the internet to find some inspiration.
Then I presented the color and the slogan ideas in front of my fellow co workers. They then voted and we went with the slogan Life's a Garden DYG It! and n the back just dallas youth garden 2014.
I then had to go with Dean to the shirt design place and choose out the font. Then we had the shirts delivered to the garden the day of our open house. Everybody loved them!
Thanks to Graphic Latitude for making our shirts!
Problem:We need to communicate information about our garden to the public and we continue to need funds for the garden.
Solution: Work with garden supervisors to obtain blueberries and create a visual aid for a county fair booth to attract public.
Communication: Man the booth for four hours during fair and sell blue berries and discuss the garden with the public.
Fund Raising: Sell the blueberries from the booth
Leadership: To work with others to produce funds for the garden and Communication
Garden Plan
Garden Log
June 3rd:
Planted a row of basil and half a row of tomatoes and spread seeds for cabbage.
June 5th:
Spread a row of spinach seeds and planted marigolds.
June 7th: Planted sweet and hot peppers, another row of marigolds and spread micro green seeds and cabbage seeds.
Lastly planted the last row of my garden with sunflowers
June 9th: Watered.
June 11th: Went on field trip to WVFAP and watered garden.
June 14th: Watered, spread wood chips, and weeded.
June 17th: Watered, and weeded.
June 19th: Watered, weeded, and spread wood chips for paths.
June 21st: Watered, weeded, and mulched.
June 24th: Watered and weeded.
June 26th: watered and weeded the made a sign with my name for my garden. I should be picking my radishes this coming Tuesday.
June 28th: Took day off.
July 1st: Watered and picked 22 radishes that ended up to weigh 4.5lbs
July 3rd: Watered and mulched around the cucumber plants
July 5th: Watered, weeded, and mulched around the peppers and tomatoes with help
July 8th: Harvested more radishes and watered
July 10th: Went to the Baptists Garden for a feild trip and watered
July 12th: Watered, weeded, and put manure tea on my peppers and some of my broccoli
July 15th: Watered Harvested some radishes, donated 14lbs of onions, harvested lettuce and basil
July 17th: Took day off
July 19th: Took day off
July 22nd: Open House and harvested 3 heads of broccoli, 6 cucumbers, and 1lb of basil
July 24th: No Work
July 26th: Watered, weeded, transplanted some of my cabbage, harvested 1 radish 1 head of broccoli and 8lbs of cucumbers,
and put fertilizer on my transplanted cabbage and swiss chard
July 29th: Watered and harvested
July 31st: Watered and harvested
August 2nd: watered, weeded, and harvested cucumbers, first carrots, and my first hot pepper
August 4th: watered, harvested, and got everything ready for fair!
August 8th - Got a blue ribbon for flower exhibit at fair. Picked blueberries and sold them at the fair.
August 9th: Watered, weeded
August 12th: Watered, weeded and harvested
August 14th: Watered, weeded
August 16th: Took day off
August 19th: watered, harvested
August 21st: Harvested peppers, cucumbers, and broccoli.
August 23rd: Watered and harvested
August 26th: Harvested lots of peppers
August 28th: Harvested cucumbers and some peppers
August 30th: Harvested cucumbers, broccoli, some tomatoes, and sweet peppers also watered and weeded
September 2nd: Harvested peppers,tomatoes,and cucumbers
September 4th: Harvested and finished making my second bird house
September 6th: Took day off
September 9th: Harvested cucumbers, and half of my row of peppers
September 11th: Harvested only tomatoes
September 13th: Last Day of work :( I don't want it to end! Harvested for the last time :(