Sammy's Garden
Get Pepper Starts Garden Sign is done! Watering
County Fair - Blue Ribbon Harvesting Cucumbers State Fair Results!
Intern Profile
I want to be garden intern because....
I want to help my community in the best way I can.
One of our primary goals for the garden is to provide fresh produce to the Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program. Two of my personal goals for working at the Dallas Youth Garden this summer are:
Have fun!
Reach my goals.
Two things I hope to learn for working at the Dallas Youth Garden are:
How to help plants grow better.
What works best for plants.
I think my biggest challenge will be:
The weather.
My favorite vegetable is:
Carrots, butternut squash, tomatoes.
My least favorite garden task is: having plants die after hard work.
My most favorite garden task is: getting to dig in the dirt.
I think a leader is: Someone who helps others and tries their best. Someone who cares, is hard working, and kind.
My worst leadership skill or trait is: Staying focused.
My best leadership skill or trait is: Helping others.
May 31 - I hope to get some photos today . The last 2 weeks I have started planting my garden and have had to change some things.
June 5 - One row of my radishes have started to come up .
June 7- Finished planting .
June 17 and 20 took time off
June 22 weeded garden
June 24 Weeds are growing like crazy I cant keep up . I weeded some today and hope to get the rest done Thursday . Also my radishes are getting bigger .
June 26 weeded some today and watered . Looked for cucumber bugs found none today thank goodness .
June 28 weeded lots today . Also put down some news paper and straw to help get rid of weeds . no cucumber bugs today but found a few lady bugs . My radishes are going to be ready soon .
July 1 watered really good . it was very hot . Havested my first crop of radishes =1 pound
July 3 I watered and pulled weeds
July 5 watered and pulled weeds
July 7 watered
July 10 had to take day off to go to doctor appointment
July 12 weeded some still have lots of weeds watered good and picked a head of broccoli
July 15 watered and harvested radishes
July 17 watered and pulled weeds getting ready for open house
July 19 watered weeded and replanted starts were seeds did not come up
July 22 harvested 12 pounds of radishes and had the open garden
July 24 no work
July 26 watered and harvested
July 28 sick day
July 31 watered well and pulled weeds
August 2 watered and pulled weeds and harvested
August 5 watered
August 8th - Harvesting cucumbers from garden. Got a blue ribbon for tomato exhibit at fair. Picked blue berries and sold them at the fair.
August 9th had to take day off because of fair things with FFA
August 12 harvested tomatos ,peppers, cucumbers , and watered
August 14 harvested a few things and watered
August 16 I watered lots , harvested , harvested for state fair ,weeded a little . alone I harvested 10 pounds of bell peppers
August 19 watered, and harvested lots of chard , peppers , tomatos and more
August 21 watered harvested and weeded
August 23 I took my last day off to go school shopping
August 26 watered garden well and harvested a lot of produce
August 28 watered and harvested a little I had tomatos but we could not harvest tomatos because they go bad before we deliver
August 30 watered even though it rained good, harvested 12 pounds of tomatos and weeded . thanks again dean for breakfast
September 2 watered both Roberts garden and mine and harvested
September 4 watered and harvested tomatos to take to james 2 kitchen
September 6 watered well because it was hot and watered Roberts garden since he was gone
September 9 watered and harvested
September 11 Today was my last day as I will be going to a leader ship camp for FFA on this weekend . I have to say I have had a awesome time this summer and I am proud of what I did . Today was one of the best days and it was hard to say good bye . I am glad I got to go though this experience with the people in this program . For my last day I watered well and harvested . I have to say I did not think I was going to cry but when I left I started crying it was truly fun and I am so glad to have had this job this summer . I will miss working every other day or every couple days with the amazing friends at the garden .
Booth - at Polk county fair
problem - the interns working in the booth need to communicate with the public with information about the garden .
solution - work with other interns and garden supervisors to sell blueberries and create and aid for the fair booth
Communication - man the booth for so many hours during fair . sell the blueberries and talk to public about the dallas youth garden
fund raising - sell the blueberries that were donated by perry hill farms in the booth
leadership - work with others to earn founds for the garden and communicate with pubic
hardest part - I really did not find any thing hard about it
easiest part - picking the berries and telling people why we were found rasing and telling them and who we were
how to cure bottom rot on vegetables
problem - I have noticed that I have some peppers and tomatos
what is bottom rot - it is a water soaked spot at the bottom of tomatoe or pepper
how to stop this -warmer soils, mulching , using a fertilizer that is low on nitrogen and high in calcium
treatment- Epsom salt , water evenly , add lime , add gypsum
leadership - improve the bottom rot and get more vegetables and not have to throw them out