Guinievere's Garden


Intern Profile

Two of my personal goals for working at the Dallas Youth Garden this summer are:

Two things I hope to learn for working at the Dallas Youth Garden are:

I think my biggest challenge will be:

My favorite vegetable is:

My least favorite garden task is:

My most favorite garden task is:

I think a leader is:

My worst leadership skill or trait is:

My best leadership skill or trait is:

Garden Plan:

Rows of vegetables planted: around 13

Number of different kinds of vegetables planted: 11

My garden did or did/not match my plan and why: My garden didn't match because I didn't have enough room to plant radishes

My favorite vegetable to plant was: My favorite to plant was zucchini because I didn't hate making hills yet

Garden Log:

May 15-20: Removed tarps from the garden, helped clean up the fair grounds after the plant sale and visited the Food Assistance Program

May 22-27: Planting the garden

May 29-June 3:Kept planting the garden. I only have one or two more rows to go!

June 5-10: Started mulching in teams of three and did a little weeding

June 12-17: More mulching. Lots of mulching!

June 19-24: lots of mulching and a some light weeding

June 26- July 1: more mulching and weeding

July 4-8: weeding and watering. On Saturday I harvested some zucchini and started weeding my squash.

July 11-15: we did weeding, watering, caging tomatoes. Vacation on Saturday

July 18-22: Watering, weeding and harvesting. We also gave garden tours on the 20th during the open house.

July 24-29: watering, weeding, minion weeding, and harvesting squash, zucchini, and broccoli

August 1-5: Watered, harvested and did more minion weeding on Saturday. On Saturday we also filled out paper work for the flowers and veggies we are showing at the fair.

August 8-12: Weeding, watering, and harvesting.

August 14-19: Weeded and watered my garden. I get to enter vegetables and a flower into the fair. I'm entering cabbage, tomatoes, patty pan squash, and marigolds.

August 21-26: weeded, watered, and harvested.

August 28- September 2: Weeded, watered, and harvested all the dill and onions.

Leadership Project: T-shirts

Problem: People don't know about the garden and we need a way to be identified

Solution: make shirts that represent the garden

Test/Activity: Ask the group about opinions on color, catch phrases, and font for the shirt

Results: We got the shirts from graphic lattitudes, passed them out and collected the money for them

Communication: with the other interns, leaders, and graphic latitudes

Leadership Skills: Planning and ability to work within a group

Leadership Project: Master Gardener's Booth

Problem: Tell people about the garden

Solution: Talk about the garden at the Master Gardener's booth during Summer fest

Test/Activity: Go to the Master Gardener's booth for one hour and tell people about the garden, where it is, what we do, and why we do it.

Result: I talked to a few people but others didn't want to hear about the garden.

Communication: July 29, 2017

Leadership skills: Effective Communication and trust

Leadership Project: Zucchini Muffins

Problem: How to use up the zucchini

Solution: Make zucchini muffins

Test/Action: I found a recipe for a loaf of blueberry zucchini muffins. I didn't have blueberries so I used chocolate chips. I used mini chocolate chips so they wouldn't sink to the bottom. I made the in a muffin pan.

Result: They were really yummy muffins. Only issue was that there was still zucchini afterwards so I had to figure out something else to make with it


Leadership skills: Self direction and planning

Leadership Project: Tomatoes Shade vs. Light

Problem: Do tomatoes do better in shade or light?

Solution: observe tomatoes to see what conditions help them grow better

Test/Action: Kaily and I planted two tomatoes in both sha de and light and watched them to see which ones grew better

Result: The tomatoes in light produced more but the ones in the shade got taller and the leaves were darker and healthier looking. They didn't produces as much because they were in pots. They would have done better in the ground

Communication: September 5, 2017

Leadership skills: planning and the ability to work in a group