
March - Minor Tree Pruning

March - $300 Donation from Wilco, $200 Donation from the Master Gardeners, and Dallas Community Foundation for sponsoring two interns. - Thanks!

March 20 (or so) - Squash, Broccoli, etc starts started in greenhouses

April 2nd - Job Announcements

April 13th - Job Applications Due

April 17,18,19 - Job Interviews

April 21-26 Job Offers and More Job Interviews

May 3rd - Interns first day

May 3rd - May 10 - Garden Prep

May 8th - Garden Prep - tractor rototilling

May 12th - Help with Master Gardeners Plant Sale

May 15th - All the starts are here. Thanks Sloan at Teal Creek Farms, Master Gardeners, and Linda at Goat Knoll Farm.

May 15th- Ready to plant

May 22nd- Interns Planting

Interns Planting

June 9th - Planting is done by first payday!

June 9th - Also got rained and hailed on!

June 12th - and the rest of June - Mulching!

June 13 - Second load of straw arrive - Thanks Anderson Mobile

June 22nd - More mulching!

June 22nd - Break from mulching, weeding, watering and on the the Pollinators Festival at Dancing Oaks Nursery. Learned lots of great stuff about bees!

June 26th - First Harvest!!! - 4LB Radishes

June 28th - Killing Cucumber Bugs - Cucumber bugs love dry weather and REALLY attacked the young squash and cucumber starts. Interns mulched plants, squashed bugs and Dean applied Pyrethrins (Derived from chrysanthemum flowers) for targeted pest management.

July 10th - Small Harvest 10 Pounds - 12 Pounds

July 17th - More harvest zucchini, crook neck, lettuce, kale, chard and basil - 150 Pounds

July 19th- DYG Open House

July 24 - 123 Pounds Delivered (Zucchini, Summer Squash, Kale, Lettuce, Chard,Baby Carrots)

July 31 - 130 Pounds Delivered (Zucchini, Summer Squash, Kale, Lettuce, Chard and a Few Peppers and Tomatoes)

August 6th - Ready for fair but still delivered produce

August 9th - Fair Booth - thanks everyone for stopping by. We sold all the peaches!

August 12th - Fair - 40 exhibits - many reds, blues and champions. All interns made it to state.

August 14th - Harvest - 235 Pounds

August 21st - Harvest - 170 Pounds (lots of produce went to fair)

August 28th - Harvest - 230 Pounds (this is only part of it)

September 4th - Harvest - 440 Pounds

September 11th harvest included apples - 440 pounds!

September 18th harvest 370 pounds.

September 25th harvest - 250 pounds - Flowers included!

September 29th Day - Last picking and cleanup

October 2nd Last Harvest - 500 pounds - Green Tomatoes