2015 Activities
March 8th - Planted Fruit Trees
Job Applications Due - April 10th 1PM
April 10th - Got 10 Applicants
April 15-April 22 - Interviews and Hiring
May 2 - First Day of Work - Meeting at 4H Extension Office - Introductions - Job Review - Garden Planning
May 3 - Gary helping get the garden ready
May 7 - Reviewed plans with Interns. An inside meeting day.
May9-10 - Gary and Dean spent LOTS of time getting the garden ready. Required mowing, ripping, disking, and tilling. Used Gary's tractor, Deans implements, and great loan of a 5ft tiller from Clyde and Nate. The garden is ready.
May 10 - Got plants from the Master Gardener's and helped with cleanup. Showed up a bit too early. Next year we should show up a little after 4pm.
May 14 - Great starts from Clyde Freeborn, Linda Fox, Teal Creek Farms and Polk Co. Master Gardeners. Thanks!
May 16 -June 1 - Planting!
June 10 - Great donation from the Dallas Service Integration Team and Old Mill Feed Store
Ryan our alternate intern helping with the "adult garden".
June 1 - Planting is done!
June 25 - Mulching and garden work
June 30 - First Harvest! 47 Pounds!!!
July 7th Second Harvest - 129 Pounds
Zucchini, Summer Squash, Radishes, Basil, Spinach, Pepper
July 11th - Nan brought Zucchini Bread!
July 14th Over 240 Pounds harvested this week. Summer Squash, Peppers, Zucchini, Onions, Lettuce, Spinach, Radishes, Broccoli
July 14th - Great job on the shirt design Myranda and Robert! Thanks Graphic Latitude for the great deal and support!
July 18th - working in the garden!
July 21 - Almost 200 Pounds - Summer squash, Peppers, Lettuce, Broccoli, Basil, Chard, Zucchini
July 28th Great Harvest - 203 pounds and open house!
August 4th - Great Harvest - 374 Pounds
August 6th - Picked and donated a BUNCH of flowers for the Polk County Fair 4H Flower Arrangement Contest
August 8th - Interns had a great Polk County Fair. Raised over $130 selling peaches (Thanks for donating them Perryhill Farm). Got 25 Blue Ribbons and 8 Red Ribbons for Vegetable, Flower, and Herb exhibits. Great food cakes brought by Robert and Myranda. Fun zucchini fries brought by Logan.
August 11th - Another good harvest - 351 Pounds
August 18th - Good harvest 421 Pounds - Almost 1 ton so far this summer.
August 24 - Entries to 4H for State Fair Delivered!
August 25 - Summer Squash, Peppers, Zucchini, Lots of Tomatoes, Onions, Lettuce, Carrots, Broccoli, Basil, Lots of Cabbage - 625 Pounds - Over 2500 so far for the summer!
September 1st - A truckload of produce (648 pounds of Summer Squash, Peppers, Zucchini, Lots of Tomatoes, Onions, Lettuce, Broccoli, Basil) and some gardening comedians.
September 3rd - Payday - All interns have completed three leadership projects.
September 6th - Great State Fair
Brianna - 1 Champion - 3 Blue - 1 Red
Logan - 2 Blue - 2 Red
Loish - 1 Champion - 1 Reserve Champion - 1 Blue - 1 Red - 1 White
Marypat - 3 Blue - 3 Red
Myranda - 3 Blue - 32 Red - 1 White
Shyla - 2 Blue - 2 Red
September 8th - 401 Pounds of Harvest - Summer Squash, Peppers, Zucchini, Lots of Tomatoes, Onions, Lettuce, Broccoli, Basil, Dill, Oregano, Chives
Last Day - Making Salsa - We modified Brianna's Recipe and made our own! It tasted great!
Dallas Youth Garden Salsa
4 Med Tomatoes
1/2 Hot Red Pepper (more if you want it hotter)
2 Bell Peppers
2 Green Peppers
1/4 Red Onion
1 Lemon (or lime)
1/4 Cup Oregano
1/4 Chives
Salt/Pepper to Taste
Chop up tomatoes, Peppers, Onion, Oregano, Chives and place in bowl
Juice Lemon into the bowl
Add 1/4 tsp of salt
Add 1/4 tsp of Pepper
Taste and add more salt, pepper, or hot pepper to taste
September 15th - Summer Squash, Peppers, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Onions, Lettuce, Broccoli, Basil, Carrots
September 22- Summer Squash, Peppers, Zucchini, Broccoli,Tomatoes - 210 pounds
September 29- Summer Squash, Peppers, Zucchini, Broccoli,Tomatoes - 201 pounds
October 6- Summer Squash, Peppers,Zuchini ,Tomatoes - 350 pounds
October 9 - Garden gets mowed (Thanks Don Fleming)
October 13 - Manure Delivered (Thanks Don Fleming, Whites Trucking and Rickreall Dairy)
October 16 - Manure Spread
October 25 - Tarps ready for garden (Thanks Agri-Plas)
October 27- Tarps are down!!!