Brianna's Garden


Brianna Planting Weeding

Intern Profile

Two of my personal goals for working at the Dallas Youth Garden this summer are: to become a bigger part of my community and to become a better gardener

Two things I hope to learn for working at the Dallas Youth Garden are: I hope i learn work ethic and how to sustain a garden

I think my biggest challenge will be: keeping my plants really healthy

My favorite vegetable is: broccoli

My least favorite garden task is: weeding

My most favorite garden task is: watering

I think a leader is: someone who takes charge in a situation to help people become better

My worst leadership skill or trait is: i am a perfectionist

My best leadership skill or trait is: i am asertive

Garden Plan:

Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers Planted (in order)


2. broccoli


4. Zucchini


6.pattypan squash chard


9.basil peppers

11.sweet peppers onion

13. carrot


15. summer squash

My favorite plant to plant was: my hot peppers

My lease favorite plan to plant was: tomatoes

I think my plan worked because: i made sure every plant had its companion

Garden Log:

May 16 - Started Planted

May 23 - Continued Planting

May 28 - Finished planting

May 30 - Put down newspaper to help stop weeds

June 6 - continued with newspaper

June 13 - finished mulching today!

June 20 - re fertilized all plants

June 27 - weeded and watered

July 4 - watered and harvested

July 11 - weeded and fertilized

July 18 - weeded

August 1 - weeded and picked

August 6 - harvested 1 pound of squash

August 13 - weeded gardens

august 20 - weeded and watered my garden

August 27 - harvested and watered my garden

September 12- made salsa for the gardenagain

Leadership Projects:

Sustainable Gardening Research Project

Problem: The word "sustainable" gets used in many ways in farming and market gardening. We need to know more about what sustainable practices are.

Solution: Research, collect, and compile information about sustainable farming practices in Oregon.

Communication: Present information (100 words or so) to place on our web site and present to the group.

Leadership: vision, planning, effective communication, self direction

Garden Recipe Project: zucchini

Problem: finding ways to incorporate our garden produce into an easy to do recipe

Solution: make a recipe using our gardens produce and take it to our garden group to judge

Communication: bring to garden group to eat

Leadership: Vision, planning, self direction

Team talk project:

Problem: We need to help people understand the problems and or issues found in gardens

Solution: Research, collect and compile information on common garden issues found in Oregon and present them with a partner

Communication: present information with partner

Leadership: vision, planning, self direction, effective communication

Garden Recipe Project #2: salsa

Problem: finding ways to incorporate our garden produce into an easy to do recipe

Solution: make a recipe using our gardens produce and take it to our garden group to judge

Communication: bring to garden group to eat

Leadership: Vision, planning, self direction

Team talk project #2: state fair

Problem: We need to help people understand the problems and or issues found in gardens

Solution: Research, collect and compile information on common garden issues found in Oregon and present them with a partner

Communication: present information with partner

Leadership: vision, planning, self direction, effective communication