Shyla's Garden (aka, shy shyla)
Shyla Planting Watering
Intern Profile
Two of my personal goals for working at the Dallas Youth Garden this summer are: learn
Two things I hope to learn for working at the Dallas Youth Garden are: How to garden better, and how to plant and grow good food
I think my biggest challenge will be: planting
My favorite vegetable is: cucumbers
My least favorite garden task is:planting, and watering
My most favorite garden task is: measuring, and picking weeds
I think a leader is: When someone can take central when they have to, but in a kind matter.
My worst leadership skill or trait is: shyness
My best leadership skill or trait is: When you get to know me I warm up to you.
Garden Plan:
Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers Planted (in order)
1.cabbage, tomatoes, onions,cucumbers,squash,lettuce, peppers, carrots, and squash
2. basil, chives
3.zinnias, marigolds, sunflowers
My favorite plant to plant was: zinnias
My lease favorite plan to plant was: summer squash
I think my plan worked because: some of my zinnias are growing fast.
Garden Log:
May 16 - Started Planted
May 19 - Continued Planting.
May 21 - Couldn't go this day
May 23 - Planted Zinnias, cabbage,onions,tomatoes, I planted the zinnias in a pattern pink purple for the row
May 26 - Planted, radishes, squash, marigolds, and lettuces
May 28 - Today i planted peppers and basil, My zinnias are beginning to grow, they are now peaking out from the ground.
June 4 - started putting newspaper down on the garden.
June 6 - continued setting down newspaper.
June 16- weeded my garden
June 18 - putting down newspaper and hay
June 20 - weeded and continued putting down paper and hay
June 23 - continued putting paper and hay down
June 25 - (came early) Finished Mulching and put down fish fertilizer Note my peppers, squash and tomatoes are coming up
June 27 -wasn't feeling well
June 30 -picked some squash, broccoli, and a green onion. filled out the fair papers
July 2 - put down clam shells and watered
4th of July - had to help my dad with getting the BBQ ready couldn't come
July 7 - watered and picked patty pan
July 9 - watered
July 11- picked, watered,
July 13- picked and watered
July 14- wasn't here
July 16- picked patty pan
July 18-put down bark chips
July 20 - brought a friend and i picked patty pan
July 22- pick patty pan also had a friend with me
July 24 - my friends went with me to work helped me pick and water
July 25- parade didn't get to work used my last day
July 28 - open house
July 30 - watered and started pulling weeds
August 1 - watered and pulled weeds
August 4- picked out what to bring to fair, and picked other things to donate
August 6 - watered and picked
August 7 - went to fair
August 8 - pay day watered and picked patty pan
August 11- watered and picked everything
August 13 - got stung by a bee and found out I'm allergic
August 15 - watered
August 18- picked everything today
August 20 -watered and picked everything
August 22- picked for fair and watered
August 25- picked and watered
August 27 - watered and picked
August 29 - had a meeting because it was raining out 10-11
August 1 - watered picked everything, and i help steph out
August 4- picked and watered
August 6 - watered picked
August 8 _ picked watered
August 11 -watered picked patty pan
August 13 - watered picked
August 15 -watered picked and also watered for Stephan
August 18 - watered picked
August 20 - picked watered
August 22 - watered and picked
August 25 - picked from garden and watered
August 27 - watered, picked and had some laughs
August 29 - watered and picked
Sep 1 - picked watered
Sep 3 - watered
Sep 5 - picked watered
Sep 8 - picked and watered
Sep 10 - Felt sick couldn't go
Sep 12 - I slept in
Leadership Projects:
Partner Presentation
Problem: Our partners need to be information of our garden progress.
Communication / Solution: I presented my garden progress to the Master Gardeners.
Leadership: This leadership project will help me with talking in front of crowds.
Container Garden Project
Problem: Can our plants be successfully grown at home in an container garden.
Solution: Take starts or seeds home and plant. I planted
Results: healthy plants
Communication: Make a log of what you planted, what grew, and how your family used it.
Leadership: trust and, planning
the container garden has tomatoes and sunflowers
Food Prep Project
Problem: We need to know and communicate how produce grown in our garden can be prepared.
Solution: Take produce home, find a recipe you like, prepare produce bring it back. The recipe I found on the internet was this squash cake which was overall pretty easy to make and also pretty enjoyable also.:]
Communication: took home 4 tomatoes and one good sized cucumber
The cucumber and tomato salad
Italian dressing
peal and cut up the cucumber
cut up the tomatoes
put them in a bull and add the Italian dressing
and enjoy (:
Leadership: below
Self Direction: You know how to get things done, how to organize tasks and how to avoid procrastination. Leaders take the steps to get the job done to meet the vision and work until goals are met
Planning : The ability to plan or organize tasks to meet the goal or vision.