Logan's Garden


Logan Planting Weeding

Intern Profile

Two of my personal goals for working at the Dallas Youth Garden this summer are: Learn how to garden better and to accomplish a garden

Two things I hope to learn for working at the Dallas Youth Garden are: Team work and to garden

I think my biggest challenge will be: weeding

My favorite vegetable is: cucumbers

My least favorite garden task is: weeding

My most favorite garden task is: watching my garden grow

I think a leader is:Some who who can stay on task and how can well with people

My worst leadership skill or trait is:doing things to quick

My best leadership skill or trait is:being able to work well with people

Garden Plan:

Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers Planted (in order)


2. tomatos



5. squash

6.green onion


8.sweet peppers









My favorite plant to plant was: sweet peppers

My lease favorite plan to plant was: squash

I think my plan worked because: i got some of my plants next to its companion plant

Garden Log:

May 16 - Started Planted

May 23 - Continued Planting

June 6 - Finished planting and now i am putting newspaper and straw down

June 13- still laying down straw and only one of my cucumber seeds came up

June 20- Finished laying down straw and had to replant cucumber seeds

June-27-Only one of my cucumber seeds came up and my garden is weeded.My plants got sprayed on thursday but i still have some bugs but, not as many

July 4- we picked plants this week, i picked ratishes and some zucheny

july 7- i picked all my spinish and some zucheny

July 11- weeded and picked squash and zuchenys

July 18- picked lettece, zuchenys and have to weed

July 25- I picked all my vegetables and weeded I also planted chard

July 30- I picked my very first red tomato and watered

Aug 6- I watered and picked zucchini and patty pan squash

Aug 14- i picked all my plants and watered everything, we also weeded my garden

Aug 22- picked my patty pans and got all my plants for fair and watered all my plants

Aug 29- picked all my plants and watered, also picked some flowers

Sep 3- picked patty pan and watered

Sep 12- picked patty pans and watered

Starts Verses Seeds

Problem: Plant starts take a lot of work to setup. We need to know if this is a good idea.

Solution: Identify if plants started from seed or a start work better or not.

Test: I planted 2 cucumber starts and then seeds to see if the seeds or the starts will grow better

My Results.:

June 20- only one of my cucumber seeds came up so i replanted the other 4 today but, so far the cucumber starts are growing better

June 27- Only one of my cucumber seeds came up and the ones i replanted don't look like they are growing at all. So far my cucumber starts are growing a lot better then the cucumber seeds are

Communication: Communicate your findings to the group.

Leadership: Education project- cucumber seed and start comparison

So i desided that i would compare the way that starts grew compared to seed. I decided to do this project with cucumbers, so I planted 2 cucumber starts and 4 cucumber seeds.

At the start the starts were growing a lot better and i didnt think that my seeds were going to come up. Then I had one of my seeds come up and it is growing really good, just as good as the cucumber starts.My other 3 seeds didnt come up, so i desided to replant them and now i have 2 other seeds that came up.

One big diffrence with my cucumers are is that they are different types of cucumber so i though that, that could effect the way the grew too. Now the seed that came up first is growing just as good as my starts are ann my starts and one of my seeds have flowers on them and i sahould have cucumbers soon. I wanted to do this kind of leadership project because i though it would be a fun and educational thing to learn and see if planting seeds and strats, to see what would grow better.

I didnt think that my seeds were going to catch up so fast to my starts that is doesnt look like they were any diffrent. So with this project i learned that starts and seeds end up grow at the same pace.

leadership trats- planning, self direction and effective communication

Food Prep Project

Problem: no problem

Solution: Take produce home, find a recipe you like, prepare produce bring it back. The recipe I found on the internet was this XXX which was overall pretty easy to make and also pretty enjoyable also.:

Communication: (where did you get recipie - i found the recipie online and i brought a plate of the zuchine fries to share ...)

REcipie Goes Hear


Self Direction: You know how to get things done, how to organize tasks and how to avoid procrastination. Leaders take the steps to get the job done to meet the vision and work until goals are met

Planning : The ability to plan or organize tasks to meet the goal or vision.

What I learned: i learned how to cook zuchine and i learned a new recipie

Leadership: I decided to make something with zucchini from my garden and I made zucchini fries. I though it would be a cool idea to make something out of something that I grew. The leadership traits for this are planning and self direction

Scars on my cumbers

Problem: MY cucmbers have wierd brown scabs on them.

Solution: Get rid of slugs. you can use dry egg shells because slugs dont like to craw acroos them

Communication: I will tell the group how to get rid of slugs

Leadership: vision, self direction, communication, problem solving